Misc Merchandise > General Assorted
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DESCRIPTION -- From the Booth Line shipping company and is a souvenir chrome bell. An item purchased on board ship it is an early and very rare find and in a very good condition with the size being 6" (15cm) high.
CONDITION -- Very Good
HISTORY -- Alfred Booth and Company was a British trading and shipping company that was founded in 1866 and traded for more than a century. It was founded in Liverpool, England, by two brothers, Alfred and Charles Booth. It grew into a significant merchant shipping company with its head office in Liverpool and interests in the USA and South America. The group was broken up in 1964 and the last Booth Company from the group was sold in 1986.
NOTES -- Many different cruise lines and maritime companies are included on the Travellers in Time website. For information on any of these please email us at sales@travellersintime.net to ask about any particular items you see listed.
(SCode-L [MISC] **)
DESCRIPTION -- Pack of playing cards from the shipping company the Houlder Line which is in the original box and the playing cards are in a good condition and date from the 1950's.
HISTORY -- Houlder Brothers & Co. was formed in London 1856 and operated in the market for chartered tonnage. In 1861 the company acquired the Golden Horn, which they used on the North Atlantic routes to the United States. The company later expanded to service routes to New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific Islands. From 1875 to 1880 the company worked with John T. Arundel & Co. in a guano mining business on Flint Island in the Pacific Ocean. In 1881 the company entered the passenger and cargo trade to the River Plate.
NOTES -- Travellers in Time continually try to list many new and unusual items on the website. We can always be contacted at sales@travellersintime.net for all other maritime enquiries.
(SCode-T [MISC] **)
DESCRIPTION -- Company tie originating from the Turnbull Scott Shipping Line which is in an excellent condition and dates from the design of the 1950's (click on the picture to see a close up of the design).
CONDITION -- Excellent
HISTORY -- Although originating in Whitby, Reginald Turnbull and Robert Scott entered ship owning in London in 1882. The company were mostly concerned in tramping work, but also had a steady grain trade from the River Plate. Two owned ships and one managed ship were lost to enemy action in the 1914-18 war.
NOTES -- Many other different maritime categories and groups are covered on the Travellers in Time website so please email at sales@travellersintime.net to ask about any items you cannot see listed.
(SCode-T [MISC] **)
DESCRIPTION -- Set of 6 match book covers some with complete matches from various old shipping companies. Type of thing you are unlikely to see around too often.
HISTORY -- Maritime Artefacts
NOTES -- Travellers in Time has many unusual items on the website and if you cannot find what you are looking for please contact us with your interest at sales@travellersintime.net
(SCode-0 [MISC] **)
DESCRIPTION -- Company tie originating from the Denholm Line which is produced in blue and is in an excellent condition and dates from the design of the 1970's.
CONDITION -- Excellent
HISTORY -- After owning several small sailing vessels from 1872, James and John Denholm purchased their first steamship in 1881. The company entered the deep sea tramping trade at the end of World War I and began an expansion programme. By 1939 Denholm Line owned nine ships but by 1945 only two of these ships survived. After the war the fleet was rebuilt and later diversified into tankers and ore carriers. With the demise of tramp shipping, the company concentrated on bulk carriers and still operates a fleet of ships.
NOTES -- Many other different types of maritime categories and groups are covered on the Travellers in Time website so please email us anytime at sales@travellersintime.net to ask about any items you cannot see listed.
(SCode-T [MISC] **)
DESCRIPTION -- Company tie originating from the Swedish shipping company Olof Wallenius Lines which is in an excellent condition and dates from the design of the 1960's.
CONDITION -- Excellent
HISTORY -- The Wallenius Lines is a privately owned Swedish shipping company. The fleet consists of 40 vessels, specializing in transporting cars and trucks worldwide. The fleet is chartered and commercially operated by companies in which Wallenius Lines is a shareholder. The company was founded in 1934 by Olof Wallenius. Olof Wallenius was born in 1902. His first company, Grosshandelsfirman Olof Wallenius, was founded already in 1922 and traded in empty barrels.
NOTES -- Many other different types of maritime categorie and groups are covered on the Travellers in Time website so please email at sales@travellersintime.net to ask about any items you cannot see listed.
(SCode-T [MISC] **)
DESCRIPTION -- This item is original from the Shell Oil Shipping Company and is dated circa 1970's. It is an original company tie which is in an excellent condition.
CONDITION -- Excellent
HISTORY -- Shell has been in the business of shipping since the company's foundation in the late 1800's. Today, Shell manages one of the largest fleets of crude oil, oil products tankers and liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers in the world, all playing a vital role in the safe and secure delivery of energy around the world. From the launch of Shell's first oil tanker, the Murex, in 1892 to today, our deep-sea vessels have continued to follow the tradition of being named after sea shells.
NOTES -- Many other different types of items are also available from Travellers in Time and are listed on the website. Several different categories are available to view and a search facility to find any items. If further information is required please contact us with your interested subject at sales@travellersintime.net.
(SCode-0 [MISC] **)
DESCRIPTION -- Great find and an early item from the Steam Packet Company dated 1937 which is from David MacBrayne Ltd who are a shipping agent for the Steam Packet Company and running an Office out of Oban, Scotland. It covered details of sailings for the TTSS King George V for the last week of July 1937 (click on the picture for a view of the inside of the leaflet).
HISTORY -- David MacBrayne Ltd is a company owned by the Scottish Government. Formed in 1851 as a private shipping company, it became the main carrier for freight and passengers in the Hebrides. In 1973, it was merged with Caledonian Steam Packet Company as state-owned David MacBrayne. Since 2006 it has been the holding company for ferry operators CalMac Ferries Ltd (operating as Caledonian MacBrayne) and Argyll Ferries Ltd.
NOTES -- Having now been established for many years now the Travellers in Time website, which is continually run as a hobby by us, has attracted customers from all over the world in places such as the UK, Europe, America, Australia. We are available at sales@travellersintime.net anytime for any queries that you may have.
(SCode-P [MISC] **)
DESCRIPTION -- Booklet from the Panama Pacific Line and features the vessels 'Pennsylvania', 'Virginia' and 'California'. It is dated from the 1930's and contains over 100 pages and a rare find and great read.
HISTORY -- The Panama Pacific Line was a subsidiary of International Mercantile Marine (IMM) established to carry passengers and freight between the US East and West Coasts via the Panama Canal. Although IMM had begun preparations for this intercoastal service as far back as 1911, service began in May 1915 with the former Red Star Line (another IMM subsidiary line) ships Kroonland and Finland. When landslides in September 1915 closed the canal for an extended time, Kroonland and Finland were reassigned to the IMM's American Line. The outbreak of World War I and its strain on international shipping caused the intercoastal service to be suspended.
NOTES -- Many other different types of items are also available from Travellers in Time and are to be found on the website. If you cannot find what you are looking for please contact us with your interest at sales@travellersintime.net and we will get back to you.
(SCode-S [MISC] **)
DESCRIPTION -- From the Holland America Line this is a canvas bag souvenir as sold on-board ship and the bag shows on the front the company name and is in an excellent as new condition.
HISTORY -- Holland America Line is a British-American owned cruise line based in Seattle. It has been owned by Carnival Corporation & PLC since 1989. From 1873 to 1989, it was a Dutch shipping line, a passenger line, a cargo line and a cruise line operating primarily between the Netherlands and North America. As part of this rich legacy, it was instrumental in the transport of many hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the Netherlands to North America.
NOTES -- Travellers in Time continually list many unusual items on the website and we can always be contacted at sales@travellersintime.net for all other maritime enquiries.
(SCode-M [MISC] **)
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